I found that my social confidence went up DOWN as I BEGIN TO GROW OLDER…

In my teens and early 20s, I was very, very socially inept. I hated doing anything more social than hanging out with a few close friends. Parties? Outing? No way. I felt like everyone was talking about me… like I was on display and they were talking about my flaws, not my flaws alone, talking about my life generally behind my back.

I realize now that was so vain of me… to assume everyone was talking about me, positively or negatively. As a person, don’t have that feelings and if you do, say to yourself that you matters that why you’re being talked about. I stopped feeling like that ever since i have this perception that i am here to live my self and other people opinion shouldn’t defined me or make me awkward. I believe i can be who i can be, i can associate with any one i want to, i can go out anytime i want to because i am here to live and not to please people. Once you have that kind of view, you’ve won in that area. 

Anyway, as I achieved success throughout my early 20s and late 20s, my social confidence went up. I had a achieve a few things and… the biggest confidence booster… boosted my confidence a bit.

As for single people, a lack of social confidence can be attributed to the fact that “being social” involves some level of trying to find a date, even if it’s not the reason for going out. Every social event could lead to a potential date. It’s nerve-racking. Being married alleviates that problem.

Once you go out in public with the attitude that you already have everything you want in life, the pressure to act a certain way goes away. You can just be yourself, and, if other people don’t like it, oh well… You don’t care what they think, because you have nothing left to prove.

At least, that’s what works for me.


Here are my top 7 confident hacks to develop social confidence.

Generally, I used to have moments where I lacked confidence. I still do sometimes. I’m not alone, You’re not alone and We are not alone. Most people feel this although they’ll never admit it.

I used to be like this most of the time. These continue to help me become less shy and more confident.

Top 7 Confidence Hacks:

  1. Decide to be confident. Even if you don’t feel it. Think of the most confident person you can. Think Don Draper. Think how he would act. Act like that. This is far more powerful than you think. If you do this enough you become confident. I have cultivated one thing and it’s that you should be confident, and bold and don’t be scared because no one is coming to save you, you can only save yourself.
  2. Dress well. Personally, I feel very confident in a classy dress. If you’re dressed better than anyone in the room or dressed better you will be more confident. It would uplift your mood. Be cautious of the clothes you wear, You don’t need to break the bank before you look confident, You just need to look approachable.

  3. Hang around people that lift you up. Are you more confident around a group of your close friends, or strangers? Probably your close friends. Be around people that live you up.
  4. Decide what you’re about and be about it. This is a way of saying decide your principles. Are you a libertarian? Be about that. Are you a die-hard conservative? Being consistent in what you believe generates confidence. There are many things you don’t control in life. You control what you choose to believe and how you act.
  5. Get plenty of sleep. It’s funny how we do not consider sleeping, sleeping gives you a restful head to think and relax. It’s tough to feel confident if you slept for 3 hours and feel like dog shit. Get more sleep.
  6. Arrive early. If you are a person who is not always punctual or late to events, outings, or whatever. Adjust yourself and be keen on being punctual. It’s tough to be confident if you arrive late. You’re rushed and flustered. When you arrive early, you feel more prepared. There is confidence in preparation.
  7. Don’t stop learning: I find out some do not try to read or learn, I have a growth mindset, and don’t stop reading books, but poems, novels, motivational books, story books, Fun books, podcasts, watch movies, and more. Be up to date, so don’t stop learning, You tend to relate and be up to date if you are current. It gives you a clue about what to talk about and the current. Learning builds your confidence, knowing what to say at the right time, using the current trend to relate with this and you would notice people can boldly share their opinion.

Confidence is really, really hard to build but It’s really easy to knock it down.

Hope these help you!

You can share a few with me in the comments! Let’s go!

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