Many of my friends complain about their children not telling them stories or about what is going on.
When people complain, I often question them, ‘Do you tell your kid(s) YOUR stuff?’ They usually give me a weird look and say, “No, of course not.” These are adult issues; they are only children’s. So, why should kids tell adults about kid matters if adults aren’t told about what kids care about?

Of course, I understand that there are limits to sharing. However, if you dismiss them as ‘you don’t need to worry/care because these are adult issues’ or ‘it’s fine, everything is fine’, please don’t expect your children to tell you their tales. Kids are far more sensitive than you might expect.
After she gets home from school, the teenager tells me stories. From what she learns in school to who has a crush on her. From a boy who covertly stuffs chocolate into her backpack to a handsome boy at her chess club. Because I also share my own stories. I was just laid off from work; I did not tell her ‘it’s fine’; instead, I informed her what happened and my plan for finding a job. I informed her that our financial position is difficult, and that the new set of markers she wants may have to wait. If you treat your children with respect and trust, they will trust. If you treat your kids with a certain level of respect and trust, they will trust you. Share to be shared.

Most Parents make typical mistakes while navigating the obstacles of childrearing. I’ll be discussing a few traits that I’ve noticed in friends and family, as well as ones I’ve had myself.

Being too protective might stymie a child’s ability to develop independence, problem-solving abilities, and resilience. Parents must strike a balance between keeping their children safe and giving them the freedom to explore and learn from their experiences. You are not providing them the space to think outside of their minds, nor are you giving them the courage to handle their situations. I feel like you’re poking around their belongings, which is why it’s crucial to build a relationship with them first, and they’ll be happy to share them with you. I had a similar issue While I was growing up as a child, I didn’t perceive it as an issue, but over time, I learned that they wanted the best for me. Regardless, I wanted them to ask for my input and then give me the go-ahead to do my thing. I’m not sure if that’s why part of my life is boring; I’m not saying you shouldn’t protect them, but do it with caution.

INCONSISTENCY;-Make it clear to your children that you will discipline them if they do not follow the rules. Do not treat them differently one day than the next. Inconsistent parenting, such as establishing rules but failing to enforce them consistently, Children may become confused and frustrated. Consistency in punishment and expectations can help youngsters learn boundaries and feel safe.

OVERINDULGENCE;- It’s important to educate your children that they can’t always have what they need. This doesn’t imply you’re not providing for them. Giving children everything they want without teaching them the importance of hard work and responsibility can result in entitlement and a lack of gratitude for what they have. Allow them to have the feeling of not having this particular thing, as you do not offer them everything they want. It is critical to teach children how to earn privileges and value things.

COMMUNICATION;-Avoid dismissing your children’s attempts to communicate. Not listening to kids, Dismissing their emotions or failing to communicate effectively can strain the parent-child bond. Open and honest communication is essential for fostering trust and understanding between parents and children. Ask them about their day and what they learned today; do they feel happy? comparing your children: Most parents feel bad about this.

COMPARISON;-Comparing siblings or children to their peers can foster feelings of inadequacy and anger. Do not compare your children; everyone is a unique child who should be recognized for their skills and achievements. You should not compare your children in front of them. Ignoring self-care;-Parents who ignore their own physical and mental well-being may find. It can be difficult to be present and patient with their children. Parents must emphasize self-care in order to preserve good health and well-being. Setting clear limits and guidelines is crucial to prevent household chaos and confusion. Children thrive in structured and consistent surroundings, so creating appropriate boundaries is critical to their growth.

BEING OVERLY CRITICAL: Constant criticism or insulting can have a negative impact on a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Encouragement and constructive comments are more effective approaches to help children learn and develop. Preventing youngsters from making mistakes: Protecting children from failure can hinder them from acquiring crucial problem-solving abilities and resilience. Allowing children to make errors and learn from them is an essential aspect of their growth.

NOT PRIORITIZNG QUALITY TIME;-In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy for parents to become preoccupied with work and other duties, ignoring the opportunity to spend quality time with their children. Building great relationships with children entails spending time together, participating in activities, and making positive experiences. Set aside some week ends and days in the month to go out together with your family. 

Parenting is a difficult and complicated journey, and parents must be patient with themselves and learn from their errors as they seek to create happy, healthy, and well-adjusted children.

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