Every Week is a New Week.

This statement confuses a lot of us. Most people understand this while some don’t but of from me.
Truly, Each week gives you a new opportunity to be better than you were the week before. You can get smarter, kinder, or more hard working. You could make a difference in someone’s life. Each week gives you a new start. You don’t have to stay the same. You don’t have to make the same mistake you did the previous week.

This depends on my mood and energy levels to be honest. I would suggest having a positive outlook on any new start, as it is a new day and a new opportunity to experience, grow, and learn.

One thing i do is, I approach the start of every week like I approach the start of every day:

My mindset is usually getting myself geared up to get back to the office and face whatever challenges await on Monday morning.
I try to relax and watch a movie during the weekend, usually light or romantic comedy, to quiet my thoughts before going to bed. That’s Determine the kind of mood I would be in before the morning.
I get  what I will be wearing the next day and hang them on the closet door in preparation for my morning routine. Nothing set in stone and I don’t always do these specific things. The main thing is not to stress the start of the work week. It’s just another day.

To start a new week I get to read these scriptures which are full of encouragement for me :-

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty;

he will save,

he will rejoice over thee with joy;

he will rest in his love,

he will joy over thee with singing.

Zephaniah 3:17 – KJV

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 – KJV

6 So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me. Hebrews 13:6 (KJV)
Getting these affirmation words, I get ready to start a new day.
And i begin my work mode by;-
1.I turn my phone onto focus mode so that I can fully tune into soul time

2. I meditate

3.I write in my journal about how I feel, what I appreciate I have today, my intention for the day, any other realizations that come to mind.

4. From there I flow and do the tasks that bring me joy and excite me, as well as the ones that are non-negotiable.

I know the body differs in situations like this but start your new day as a usual and have a positive mindsets.

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