How we can help each other.

Look, I’m gonna be upfront with you. I’m in a difficult spot and need your help to get through it. For the past few days, I have been having this thought thinking of how I can be extremely committed to being a bright light in someone’s dark day, a walking ray of a “can-do” attitude but if I am being honest, My mind has been hijacked by a chorus of ‘you can’t do it’ and ‘what ifs’, silencing my inner confidence.

I understand this is a struggle I am deeply grappling with. Maintaining a consistently positive mindset can be extremely challenging, especially when negative self-talk creeps in uninvited. However, I am happy that I can recognize this pattern and have a genuine desire to communicate in a more uplifting way.


A few thoughts on how we can help together on this:

Reframing from negative thoughts: Whenever you notice yourself slipping into negative self-talk, try to catch it early and reframe it in a more constructive light. For instance, sometimes if you have self-talk like you’re too ugly, you’re not doing enough. Immediately back down from that thought and remind yourself that you’re beautiful, you’re capable and you’re doing great things for yourself.

Affirmation prompts: Reciting generic affirmations can indeed feel awkward at times. Instead, I can prompt you with questions that allow you to articulate your strengths, capabilities, and positive attributes from a more natural stance. I take it as a day-to-day activity reminder to always speak affirmation words to myself and I have inculcated that to my friends and family also. I use words like I am brave, I am beautiful, I am God’s image so therefore I do extraordinary. I am made for signs and wonders, etc. You can do something positive for yourself henceforth.

Celebrating small wins: It’s easy to get consumed by the bigger picture. I actively identify and appreciate the small, positive steps I take each day, which can compound into larger positive shifts over time. I have a habit of gifting myself things even if I am financially buoyant I will use that to appreciate myself, even if it’s the littlest thing. You should celebrate both your small win and your big win.
Inspirational resources and materials: I have access to a wealth of uplifting stories, quotes, and strategies from others who have navigated similar mindset challenges. I listen to motivational talks, read stories mostly online, read books, etc.

Accountability buddy/ family: You don’t have to go through it alone. I can serve as a supportive partner in this journey, consistently encouraging positive habits of thought and speech without judgment or setbacks. I would be here rooting for you, you can email me and ask me anything, or better still have someone you can trust and share this with the person and you can all grow together.

Together, let’s create an atmosphere of positivity and good vibes, where we remind ourselves to focus on the good and speak words that build up rather than tear down, and whenever you catch yourself slipping into negativity, call yourself out on it. Gently remind yourself of your commitment to positive speech. And if you see someone else struggling with the same issue, encourage them to. Let us all be a support system for each other.
I believe that together, we can create a ripple effect, where our positive words and actions spread to those around us, and they, in turn, pass it on. It starts with small changes, but those small changes can lead to a big impact.

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