At 25, you’re actually an adult and responsible for any decisions you make. You’re far removed from your teenage years and no longer have the grace of undergraduates to make you feel younger. You’re halfway to 50—there’s no sugar-coating it. You’re a quarter of a century old, and you’re only getting older. Death is more than just a myth—it’s a guarantee. You actually need to be responsible now. You can’t be nonchalant about paying your bills or monitoring your credit score anymore.

1. You can’t use “young and dumb” as an excuse.
At 25, you feel the full weight of shame after making bad decisions. You can’t shrug it off and say you’ve got to make some mistakes to learn once you’ve reached your mid-twenties. At this point, you should start learning from your mistakes.

2. It’s no longer strange to consider buying a house.
House hunting and mortgages sound like such big, scary adult things—until you turn 25. Because now it’s not totally crazy to want to settle down in a place you own.

3. You’re a reasonable age to get married.
Though is not a forceful thing or paramount thing to do, we don’t pick latecomers in this. 

4. You’re not too young to become a parent either.
Before 25, you can’t imagine having a child because you feel like a child yourself. When you turn 25, however, you realize that you actually aren’t a child and could be a parent without anyone else batting an eye. In fact, it’s expected.

5. Cheaper insurance really isn’t that exciting.
You hear this over and over before your 25th birthday, but you know what? That’s not really what you want for your birthday. You want your 16-year-old metabolism and a vacation from work.

6. Birthdays are no longer that exciting.
You have no birthdays to look forward to now; they’re just a sad reminder that you’ll never be 21 again. But make sure you look forward to all your birthday and celebrate yourself like no other. Be excited and anxious of that day because its special to you.

7. You need to take romantic interests seriously.
Bringing home random people just for fun may start to feel different. Have a person that you can solely trust and interested in.

8. You can’t drink like you used to.
Slamming back tequila shots is just a distant, fond memory now.

9. Your body’s metabolism is starting to slow down.
And the waistband of your jeans is feeling it. Salads and daily exercise are the only things that will save you from the body you’ve always dreaded.

10. Tired is just a normal, daily feeling.
At 25, you give up the hope that you’ll wake up well-rested one day.

11. Wine is preferable to shots.
Something about turning 25 makes you want to savor the alcohol you consume rather than use it just to black out. The burn is too satisfying to waste.

12. You can’t ask your parents to handle everything anymore.
Yes, you have to call the doctor yourself when you’re an adult. No, it doesn’t become any less terrifying.

13. Your parents were right.
At 25, you have to admit you should’ve been listening to them all these years. It would have saved you a lot of headaches.

14. You need to save more for retirement.
The golden years don’t seem so distant when you’re a quarter of a century old. So now the pressure’s on to save as much as possible.

15. Acne is still a problem.
Unfortunately, this is the one adolescent thing you’re allowed to keep as you get older. Waking up on your 25th birthday to find a pimple smack-dab in the center of your chin is frankly the most depressing realization of all.

16. The bar isn’t as fun as your couch.
Meeting at the bar at 11 p.m.? Yeah, you’re not down for that anymore. More like a good documentary, a glass of wine, and bed by 10. Take your health serious

17. Those wrinkles aren’t going anywhere.
So you might as well start naming them because they’re in it for the long haul.

18. You actually will grow old.
May your youth rest in peace and this is where self care comes in

19. Empty liquor bottles are no longer cool decor options.
For some reason, you don’t want to boast about how often you drink once you turn 25. Probably because it would scare your mom.

20. Buying furniture is so much fun.
That’s when you start considering of living alone

21. The time to achieve your dreams is now.
It’s kind of depressing to realize you’ve turned 25 and still haven’t achieved most of your dreams. Like your retirement fund, steady income, you know time is running out to get things done.

22. You still have a long way to go.
Even though you’re 25 years old and feel ancient, you also know that you’re nowhere near where you want to be. You still don’t know anything. So keep working on yourself.

Here are some Lifestyle Suggestions you might likely follow as you turn 25:

  • Wake up early.
  • Spend 4 hours of deep work with no distractions.
  • Cook your own food.
  • Keep your life private.
  • Spend an hour or two in the gym.
  • Be as social as possible. Make friends and romantic partners. Life is too short not to experience it with others.
  • Journal when you can; it doesn’t have to be every day. Checking in with yourself can be helpful. I have journals from the past years, and peeking at them every once in a while quickly reminds me of how far I’ve come.
  • Master the art of calmness in any situation. Don’t rush to make decision.
  • Make or mark at least one definite move toward your goal daily.
  • Spend 1 hour on relaxation/self-appreciation.
  • Reduce your screen time.
  • Read your Bible and keep God in your life because you can’t live in this world without God.
  • Try to eat healthy. Get fruits and reduce your intake of junk food.
  • Share your thoughts and experiences with the people you love.
  • Do something you’re passionate about.
  • Focus on yourself, but remember to help others when you can.
  • Read books.
  • Practice mindfulness. Use the time you have in the morning to find peace for yourself instead of waking up to be on TikTok first thing in the morning.
  • Save money.
  • Do what makes you happy.

In all, have your own list—everyone has a different life. Just do you while making sure you aligning working on your goals.

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